Meet Jim


My love for great books started with a love of fine art. There’s a little piece of Rembrandt and Michaleangelo in The Book Carver process.

A few years ago I stood in Rembrandt’s studio in Amsterdam where he painted his masterpieces. I got to see firsthand how his portraits capture the true essence of a person. That was not the popular style back then, most painters were paid to aggrandize or glorify their subjects. Rembrandt’s authenticity made his work is exceptional, and is why it withstood the test of time.

Then there’s Michalangelo. Apparently, a child once asked him, “How did you carve this Angel?” He replied: “I didn’t. I carved away everything that was NOT the Angel.”  

These two principles guide the Book Carver process, where I help authors create a meaningful book that leaves a mark on the world. 

The process itself is highly transformative for the authors. I use my God given gifts to bring out theirs, so that they impact their readers in a powerful way.

I started helping authors with their books after I wrote my first one, Resetology. Resetology is a reflection on my many years as a principal working with youth in tough gang schools. My goal was to help them change their behavior so they could excel in school and life. 

I discovered the best way to do that was to truly listen, and help them see the best in themselves, but first I had to calm them down because they came in irate and defensive. After working with thousands of kids, I wrote down all of my “secrets from the principal’s office” in Resetology so dads could communicate and connect better with their kids.

Shortly after Resetology was published, the wife of a famous pro football player asked me to help her with her children’s book. After reading my book, her husband asked if I could help him write his book too.

Then I helped my friend Ed Rush, a motivational speaker, 5 time Amazon Bestselling Author and a former #1 Instructor in the Marine Corps write the book that mattered most to his heart, the 21 Day Miracle. 

Already a bestselling author, he decided to take this one more seriously and hired me to help him write the best book possible. Because of that, this book had radically different results.

The Book Carver process helped the 21 Day Miracle  become the #1 Bestseller out of all books sold on Amazon in the country of India... for 3 weeks!

As a result of the books widespread success, Ed got a phone call asking him to go on a speaking tour in India. He became a celebrity over there. Not only that, his work is impacting thousands of lives who otherwise wouldn’t have known he existed if he hadn’t launched it.

I love working with authors who want to create a book that is a Gift to their readers. The process I take them through helps them discover their true message, then write a book that becomes a vehicle for transformation and impact. 

When I’m not supporting authors to get their message into the world, you can find me rock climbing, canoeing, hiking, camping, or reading books (print ones). I love God, barbershop quartets, and guacamole. My favorite quote is from Mother Teresa: “We have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 

If you have any questions about how The Book Carver process can support you, feel free to reach out here.

I can’t wait to have a conversation with you about your book!


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Just completed 2 intensive VIP Days with my book mentor Jim House The Book Carver.

Together, we pulled content from inside me and mapped out the structure. It’s super exciting!

One of the many things I love about receiving Mentorship is that (given you’ve chosen a great one) they can see and reflect back to you your levels of greatness that you haven’t fully seen and owned in yourself.

Jim did this for me in ways that were very necessary.

I choose my mentors wisely.
 High-level only, please.
 I’m here to play a high-level game.

There is no way I would attempt to do this alone = Seriously bad chess move.

It’s too important.

We got so much done in just 2 days… exhausting, inspiring, mind-blowing and so incredibly helpful in the best ways!”

—- Daniella


Let’s get the book of your dreams out of your head and make it a reality.